Source Code & Algorithms |
These programs and algorithms were written in Lingo - Adobe Director's
programming language. In addition to the Software License
Agreement you must agree to the following conditions before downloading the files on
this page:
- You are free to use my code and/or the included graphics in your projects if you do so
in good faith.
- If you use a lot of my work, please add me to your credits with a link to
- If you're interested in developing any of these programs, send me your ideas.
My code is more or less devoid of commenting, making it even more perplexing to
novices. The majority of it is original, but I adapted a significant amount of code from Gary Rosenzweig, and from
the wonderful community of Director users on the Web. All of the programs use the Buddy API xtra, and
three of them use the RavImageExport
xtra. If you need my help to make sense of something, let me know. |
PixelToolbox source code - This program is from 2002,
when I started creating freeware applications with Director. Lingo's limitations in
addition to my own, along with PixelToolbox's complexity discouraged me from developing it
past the first version. The code for this one is a bloated, inefficient mess, in contrast
to my other, more developed programs. Uses Buddy API and RavImageExport xtras. |
PixelToolbox DIR file. (ZIP - 1.05 MB) |
PicSizer source code - Uses Buddy API and
RavImageExport xtras. |
Download PicSizer DIR
file. (ZIP - 115 KB) |
Inpatient Manager source code - Uses Buddy API xtra. |
Inpatient Manager DIR file. (ZIP - 515 KB) |
MasterLister source code - Uses Buddy API xtra. |
MasterLister DIR file. (ZIP - 162 KB) |
PicTexter source code - Uses Buddy API and
RavImageExport xtras. |
Download PicTexter
DIR file. (ZIP - 89 KB) |
KioskLaunch source code - Uses Buddy API xtra. |
KioskLaunch DIR file. (ZIP - 10.4 KB) |
SoftLotto source code - Uses Buddy API xtra. |
Download SoftLotto
DIR file. (ZIP - 388 KB) |
miniKeys Piano source code - Uses Buddy API xtra and Keypoll xtra. |
Download miniKeys
Piano DIR file. (ZIP - 1 MB) |
Posterize Algorithm - Reduces the number of color
levels in an image. |
View source code.
Download sample DIR file. (ZIP - 38 KB) |